Alaska – cruise & road-trip – AJ, Bengt, Mette and Jakob – ENGLISH
Alaska is worth adventures through road-trips, cruising the gletschers, flying into the wilderness, hiking and fishing. July to August 2023 a group of Danish and international travelers ventured out from Vancouver sailing north on a cruise ship with inside passage. Inside passage is what we recommend as it takes you closest to the small towns where culture, bears, eagles, whales and gletschers mostly can be experienced.
After a week sailing some continued from Anchorage for another week by road-trip to Denali National parc, hiking, meeting Trump supporters, spotting Moose 🫎 and driving into Yukon and the city Whitehorse in Canada 🇨🇦 and back again to Anchorage to fly back through Seattle.
Another staying to fish salmon and even returned later kayaking for weeks.
Swedish globetrotter and doctor Bengt Hildebrandt. Bengt have visited every country in the world. He works as a doctor in Stockholm and have been working as a doctor in several countries. Bengt is also part of the Swedish Travel Club Club100, where you need to visit at least 100 countries and speak Swedish to become a member.
Andrina AJ Ong is an American traveler who have visited more than 130 of the 193 UN recognized countries. She is a strong outdoor traveler, sportsman and an amazing photographer.
Mettle Ehlers Mikkelsen, like the two others, wish to visit every country in the world. She has visited 192 of the 193 UN recognized countries. No other Danish women have yet visited 193. At the same time she has travelled intensely with her three children. At age 15-20-22 they have visited 85-125 countries each and travel have become part of their life. All three young adults joined this adventure in Alaska. She blog at insta and web as ExpandingOurHorizon
Jakob Linaa Jensen is a researcher, travel blogger and author who is well known for his decade long engagement in the Danish Travel Community.
Bengt, Mette and Jakob have spoken together on the Café Globen before.
Jakob and Mette are both active in running the Café Globen and are frequently speaking.
All four are members of international travel committees as NomadMania and EPS. Mettle is associate of the Swedish Club100, which Bengt is part of as well.