Algeria – an insiders tips to all the experiences – Wassim Med (ENGLISH)/ AlgeriaTours16 &NomadMania
Have you visited Algeria? What do you know of this huge country? The moderne capital of Algier with markets, mosques, amazing restaurants, museums and … a lighthouse. The Mediterranean coast. The many memories from the Roman Empire around the Mediterranean Sea that you have travel far to visit in Italy and Greece. Food – all the best places – not necessarily the most expensive. Off the beaten track trips where no travelers are – with a local guide ?!
The NomadMania regions. The Unesco world heritage.
This presentation is a joint arrangement and meeting of the Danish Travelers Café Café Globen, NomadMania and Wassim’s company Algeria tours16
Cafe Globen is run by Danish globetrotters, many of whom members of the Danish Travel Club and The global travel club NomadMania.
NomadMania is a cool global travel community with the most interesting website to get inspired for travels and to register your trips and compare your travel story with others globally.
Algeria tours 16 , is a travel agency built by a traveller to other fellow travellers , the founder and owner , is able to adapt and cater to all types of tourists and travellers , since himself has experienced all these aspects , such as backpacking , family holidays and business trips .
Wassim Allache is 34 years old , born and raised and still living in Algeria , a globally renowned globetrotterfor his determination , devotion and passion, who has managed to travel to 90+ countries on Algerian passport( where most of countries requires him a visa) , fluent in 6 languages among which Chinese mandarin ( after accepting a challenge) , after spending a decade in corporate world and getting to travel the world , he realized how little people knew about his country , so he took the leap of faith , left his stable job to start Algeria tours 16 while the country isnt relying yet much on tourism industry , his main drive is to promote the accurate and authentic country s image to the world , so that when his daughter gets to travel the world , he hopes people start to know what Algeria really is and not confused it with Nigeria for instance …
Wassim , is running the tour business with the support of his wife Nour , who is an architect and designer , who also is 34 years old and fluent in multiple languages as well
Tours that are offered by Algeria tours 16 , are customized to the interest , duration and pace of each person
most of tours are led by local guides in each city , no better way to explore the country than having a local expert showing you the hidden gems of his city
They have tours for everyone s taste , adventures , off the beaten track , classic routes , NomadMania regional route , food tours , archeological and Unesco tours …