Bonface Kangonga – Opvækst og humanitært arbejde i Nairobis slum
Join us for an inspiring story about Bonface Kangonga’s life and upbringing in a slum on the outskirts of Nairobi in Kenya.
Hear his story about how an organization helped him by giving him hope and security in a childhood filled with chaos, hunger, and hopelessness. How he as an adult went back to this organization and with the help from volunteers from all over the world, has made his dream come through, so the organization today provide not only a safe space, but food and education for the children in the Soweto slums so they can face a brighter future.
You get a unique opportunity to gain an insight into a very different upbringing in one of the world’s poorest countries. Let yourself be inspired by Bonface’s incredible journey to help the children in the slum.
Kom med til en inspirerende fortælling om Bonface Kangonga’s liv og opvækst i en slum i udkanten af Nairobi, Kenya.
Om hvordan en organisation var med til at give ham håb og tryghed i en barndom fyldt med kaos og håbløshed.
Hør hans historie om hvordan han mod alle odds, har fået denne organisation til at vokse, så den kan give børnene i hans slum en lysere fremtid.
Du får en enestående mulighed for at få indblik i en meget anderledes barndom end vi kender til, så gå ikke glip af denne chance for at blive inspireret og motiveret af Bonface’s utrolige rejse for at hjælpe andre.