Brasiliansk Zouk
English below
Kom og dans Braziliensk Zouk med os! 💃🏼🕺
Braziliensk Zouk er en smuk pardans som stammer fra brasilien med fokus på connection med din partner og meget mere. Til dig der endnu ikke kender Braziliensk Zouk, så tag et kig her:
20:00-20:30: Crash Course – en lille hurtig gennemgang af basistrinene
20:30 Dansegulvet åbner og der spilles dejlig zouk musik 🎶
01:00: Baren lukker og musikken slukker
Come and dance Brazilian Zouk with us! 💃🏼🕺
Brazilian Zouk is a beautiful partner dance originating from Brazil, with a focus on connection with your partner and much more. For those of you who are not familiar with Brazilian Zouk, take a look here:
20:00-20:30: Crash Course – a quick overview of the basic steps
20:30: The dance floor opens, and delightful Zouk music begins 🎶
01:00: The bar closes, and the music stops