ISLAND HOPPING IN THE PHILIPPINES with Ted Nims – American globetrotter. IN ENGLISH
Once a year I spin an app of the world’s countries and go wherever it lands. Last December that took me to the Philippines, sandwiched into a 5-week trip to Australia, PNG, Singapore and Mexico. The Philippines was my 152nd UN country visited, and it only took one day for it to become one of my all-time favorites! Using public ferries and tuk tuks, I hopped around 5 islands in the Philippines over 9 of the best days of my life. Over a 48-hour span on one of the islands, I swam with whale sharks, saw endangered tarsiers, kayaked with synchronous fireflies and hiked supernatural mounds – there is so much more to do in the Philippines than just lay on a beach!
I am American, splitting time between Chicago, New England, Costa Rica and the rest of the world. Thus far I have visited 158 of the 193 UN countries on my quest to visit every country in the world. I am also trying to go to the world’s best restaurants, which is what brings me to Copenhagen! My other passion is pickleball, an American sport that happens to be played on a court with identical dimensions to badminton so I’m going to be searching for pickleball in Copenhagen 🙂