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Ľuboš Fellner – the quest for 193 countries – In English

10 august 2024 16:00 - 18:00

In November 1989 Lubos Fellner helped to cut the Iron Curtain on the border between Slovakia and Austria to become the first Slovak to visit all countries of the world, spanning from the North to South poles.

His recent expeditions have taken him to the highest peaks of North Korea, the Amazon, and the remote islands of Pitcairn and Tristan da Cunha. Reflecting on his journeys, he contemplates the disparities between travelers from the “West” and those from post-communist nations.

From the unique perspective of a “boy from the East,” Lubos considers how the world is evolving and the shifting dynamics in global travel and cultural experiences.

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lørdag, 10 august, 2024
16:00 - 18:00
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