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The Phillipines. Dondon Bales, Filipino-Australian globetrotter

30 november 2023 17:00 - 18:30

THURSDAY 17-1830. Meet Dondon Bales, a Filipino-Australian world traveller, who will give a presentation this November 30 (Thursday) on “Exploring the Best of the Philippines”. He will share contents on the topic from his travel book “Galà: Adventures of the Most Well-Traveled Filipinos” as well as insights from the Filipino World Travelers (FWT) group which he founded. Dondon is also an Executive Committee member of NomadMania and leads the Sustainable Travel Committee. Dondon has visited 165 countries & territories and all the 7 continents.

He is visiting Denmark for a few days only and we managed to squeze this speak in and hope you take this unique opportunity to meet One of our visiting globetrotters and get deep inside on Great travels in the Philippines.

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torsdag, 30 november, 2023
17:00 - 18:30